Could there be another way?
It can be easy to be sure of the ‘right’ way of doing things & experiencing things. We get taught by our families of origin, our communities, our networks and wider society to accept what is ‘correct’.
Increasingly, the nature of our social media use creates echo-chambers for our reality, locks us into hearing similar messages in validation of what we already believed. Opinion pieces in many media suggest ways to view a situation for us, and the endless algorithms that dictate most of our consumption are all motivated to steer us. But when we have capacity (that great luxury!), to reflect, we might find a different perspective or way of looking through a new lease.
This is one of the gifts of Hireth Medicine, to help you find a new perspective and fresh insight, because in some cases a change is as good as a break. Whilst I make no claims to change every aspect of a clients life and to hurry them into their happy-ever-after never to experience discomfort, pain or growth again, I can offer a new way of approaching the ‘already known’ using the diverse toolkit of Herbal Medicine, Intuitive Coaching or Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Many years ago, I was told of a culture in which the phrase ‘I know’ did not exist. (I've not managed to source this story yet - if you know more please fill me in!) Instead, there was language for three distinct concepts:
‘I have experienced this with my own senses.’
‘I have been told this by a person of authority in whom I trust.’
‘I believe this as it is a commonly accepted truth amongst my community.’
It’s a powerful concept to reflect on…If we don’t know something to be true, how might we then be able to create change and possibilities from that position. What change and wellness might be brought into your context if we explored another way?
If you’re interested in finding out what possibilities might exist for you with the Hireth toolkit, or fancy a quick philosophical riff, do get in touch!